You have various choices available if you are looking for a means to make your fence more secure. Familiarize yourself with the many types of latches available and each model's operation. The next step is to choose a material compatible with the one you already have on your property, offering your home's desired degree of protection.
Types of fence gate latches
There are four primary latch options available for the fence gate that you may pick from. Each of these designs can be crafted out of many types of materials.
If you have an in-swinging gate, the thumb style is your only choice. You may buy a machine that can be locked, which provides an additional layer of protection, and it is always placed as a double-sided mechanism.
When you push the thumb depressor installed on the ornamental plate located on the door's outside, this model will function. When you press down on the gate's handle, the latch arm on the inside rises, enabling you to open the gate.
The arm strikes the strike while the door is closing, causing it to rise and fall onto the catch by itself. This occurs because the strike is spring-loaded. A gravity lock is what it seems to be based on how this model operates.

The ring option has a design with two sides and may be used to open the gate from either of those sides. You will connect a backplate with a ring on the side facing the street. On the side that faces the yard, you will likewise have a backplate and a call, but this time the ring will be joined to a latch arm.
Turning the ring in either direction disengages the arm from the catch and frees the door to swing open. This may be done on either side of the ring. This variant may have either a spring-loaded or gravity-assisted mechanism and can be installed on in-swinging and out-swinging gates.
You will want to ensure that the latch arm is installed on the side of the gate that it opens toward when it swings open.

The operation of a lever design is quite similar to that of a ring option; the main difference is that it has a lever handle rather than a ring on either side of the barrier. In addition, they may be put on gates that swing inwards and outwards and may use gravity aid or spring-loaded technology to complete the task. Specific lever alternatives may be locked while others aren't.

The bolt design is both traditional and maybe a little dated, offering only one-way alternatives. Keep in mind that if you lock the bolt on one side, you won't be able to enter the door from the other end until you can reach up and over to release the lock.
Even though they are based on an outdated design, variations are available that are attractive to the eye. They function by allowing a bolt to be inserted into a catch, and some options include a space for a padlock to be used to secure the fence.

Categories of Gate Latches
"Gate latch category" means latch design. A gate latch's category relies on its mechanism. Three gate latch types exist.
First, gravity gate locks. Gravity gate latches use gravity to shut. Gravity pushes the latch into the barricading strike plate. The gate closes and locks when the latch hits the strike plate.
These models are always two-sided because the latch falls into the lock's strike plate.
In most circumstances, you can open the latch from either side. Padlock holes are standard.
Most gravity gate latches are put on the inside of the door, but you may install them on the outside. Both sides of the door may open gravity locks.
Most people use a gravity latch when keeping dogs or children within a fence. Gravity locks don't protect against adult intruders since they need no key or PIN and may be unlocked from any side. Gravity gate lodges are self-latching.
The latch should lock anytime you close the gate, or the wind blows it shut. It's already locked. This simplifies using the gravity gate lock. Children may lock the gate, which is convenient. Close it completely. They're also straightforward to install. Installing this latch requires a few tools and skills. This gate latch lets attackers inside the gated area.

Spring-loaded gate locks are standard. Spring-loaded latches are different from gravity latches since they are spring-driven. This spring makes these locks cheaper yet smoother. The spring's pressure snaps the latch arm into place. You're applying pressure.
Spring-loaded latches are two-sided, like gravity latches. This double-sided design lets you open the gate from any side. This latch is lockable, unlike the gravity gate latch. This act will make the model safer.
Spring-loaded latches are usually used on in-swinging doors, but you may install them on out-swinging gates. Spring-loaded latches are straightforward to use and install, like gravity latches. Everyone may install or open this gate lock to save tiny children and dogs.
These gates can latch, making them safer than gravity latches. Therefore, you may choose these gate locks. Spring-loaded gate latches are less secure than bolt latches, which we'll cover next. These locks are also the hardest to install.

Most fences have slide-bolt gate locks. It's a typical deadbolt that slides into a locking bolt. This bolt secures the door. One-sided, inside-locking bolt gate latches. You may add a bolted gate to in-swinging and out-swinging fence doors, making these closures more useful.
This bolt gate latch is functioning. It holds the door in most situations. Only by lifting and sliding the rod can it be moved. Bolt gate locks are more secure than other solutions. You may add a padlock to almost all lockable options for extra security. Bolt gate locks are the most secure kind.
Bolt gate locks are cheap and versatile. If you're on a budget, choose this latch category. One-sided gate latches might make it harder to open fence doors. This is great for security, but it might be unpleasant if you own the property.

Components of the Gate Latches
When choosing a fence latch, durability should be one of your top priorities. The high-quality metals that perform well in the open air and can withstand the effects of the environment are the materials that are most typically used to manufacture them. There will be a disparity in cost between each of the materials.
Iron is one of the materials used for latches the most often, and it may be fashioned in several styles, including Old World, Antique, Colonial, and traditional designs. Cast iron and wrought iron are both used by manufacturers because of their weighty and imposing appearance, which works well when juxtaposed with a fence.
A powder-black coating is usually applied to the metal to provide an additional layer of protection from the outside elements; however, this may not be the best option if you live in an area with many corrosive elements.
Because the salt in the air and water might cause the machine to rust prematurely, homeowners living on the beach or near the ocean may want to look into purchasing a different material.
Iron has a high resale value since it is durable and may survive for a very long period under typical circumstances.
You will need routine maintenance on it, such as using steel wool to remove any rust spots and frequently cleaning it up with a protectant spray if you want it to continue giving the impression that it is like new.

Aluminum is the most excellent material to choose if you are concerned about wear and tear and corrosion. In addition to being lightweight and long-lasting, it is naturally resistant to the factors that cause pollution and may be used in practically any setting.
Because it is a more fragile material than iron, you may wish to invest in a gate stop to prevent the normal movement of the gate from placing excessive stress on the latch arm, which might eventually lead to the arm breaking.
You may buy designs in the conventional bright silver color of the metal, but they are also often powder coated to harmonize with other fence hardware in more rustic hues like black. This is done to ensure that the colors will look well together.
This location may suffer wear and tear over time due to continued usage, but you may maintain its like-new appearance by repainting it using a product like Rustoleum. Aluminum solutions are often the most cost-effective of the lot, but the variety of styles available to you will not be affected by this fact.
The metal may be fashioned into old-world, ancient, traditional, or contemporary designs, and it retains its attractiveness and functionality throughout the process.

Bronze is a weighty and durable substance that holds up well over time but is also one of the most costly materials available. Because it not only seems gorgeous but also has a substantial and weighty feel, it is a favorite among those with sophisticated tastes in interior design.
Most bronze designs are produced with an artistic touch, and they incorporate classic and modern components, as well as motifs from the ancient world. Because the metal does not need to be finished with a powder coat, there is no chance that the finish may chip over time, nor will it be necessary to reapply a finish to it in the future.
If you let the metal age naturally, over time, it will become the color of a dark copper penny, and then over even more extended periods, and it will transform into a green that has faded. If you want to protect the metal from getting green over time, you may add a layer of wax on it once a year to preserve it and increase the time it will last.

Aluminum is related to stainless steel via a common ancestor. Although it has a similar look, stainless steel is a heavier metal that is tougher and less prone to dent, deform, or bend when subjected to extremes of temperature or pressure.
It is a fantastic material choice for a robust fence catch, even though it is a little more costly than other options. Raw silver is the most common appearance of this material since it is very resistant to corrosion and is often utilized in modern and contemporary designs.
Powdered-coated variants are available, providing an additional layer of protection. This is useful if you reside in an area prone to corrosion, such as near the ocean. To maintain the coating's vibrant appearance over time, you may find that periodic touch-ups are necessary.
Keeping the metal in good condition is essential to extend its useful life. Applying a thin coating of lubricating oil to it every month will provide an additional layer of protection from the elements and stop any annoying squeaking that may occur while it is in operation.

Brass is one of the materials used in outdoor gate catches that is the least conventional, but if you enjoy the appearance of a classic or colonial design, it is a perfect option for you to go with. It is a heavy metal that gives the impression of weight when held in your hand and adds a beautiful aesthetic element to your chosen closure.
The fact that brass may tarnish over time is perhaps the most significant possible negative associated with using the material. Even if you may like the worn appearance, you must maintain the surface in such a way as to ensure that the mechanism will continue to function for a long time.

You can preserve the lock in working order and keep it looking bright and fresh if you clean it regularly with a brass cleaner and apply a UV-resistant urethane clear coating on the metal. This will prevent the layer from breaking down over time.